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Q. 404. What is normal urine flow?


Urinary Tract Obstruction

urinary tract obstruction symptoms urinary tract obstruction treatment urinary tract obstruction causes urinary tract obstruction pathophysiology urinary tract obstruction male urinary tract obstruction and hydronephrosis urinary tract obstruction and stasis urinary tract obstruction and polyuria urinary tract obstruction and glomerular filtration rate urinary tract obstruction and prostate cancer

Q. 404. What is normal urine flow?

A. N. urine flow = 1.5-2  L/d.                         

Q.405. Define hydronephrosis?   

A. = Renal pelvic (collecting system) dilatation proximal to a point of obstruction.

Q.406.What is obstructive uropathy?

A. Ob. uropathy = Block of urine flow due to functional & structural derangement anywhere from (tip of urethra) back to (R. pelvis) 🠞🠝pressure proximal to the site of obstruction.

Q.407 What is the congenital causes of obstructive uropathy?

A. Three groups:  👌

1)   Ureteropelvic junction: the most common cause of hydronephrosis é fetus & young children us. é Lt. side. The presenting C/O: flank pain & abdominal mass.

2)   Ureterovesical junction: Second most common site of congenital ureteric obstruction.

3)   Abn. development of the venous system: Rt. ureter located behind I.V.C. a ureteric ob. a Fish hook or Reversed “j” Sn deformity in I.V.P.

Q.408 Can drugs induce obstructive uropathy?

A. Yes, drug-induced crystaluria & ob. uropathy include the foll. :

1)   Sulphonamide, esp. s. diazine (ttt. of toxoplasmosis in AIDS.)Crystaluria.

2)   AcyclovirCrystalluria.

3)   Indinavir Crystalluria.

4)   Ciprofluxacin Crystalluria + Stone formation Ob. uropathy.

5)    Anticholinergic intraluminal obstruction by s. m. disruption 🠝intraluminal pressure.

6)    Levodopa a-adrenergic a urethral sphincter tone🠝U.B. outlet resistance.

7)   Tiaprofenic (surgam)a severe cystitis é subsequent ureteric ob. & R. dge.

Q.409 What is “medical hydronephrosis”?

A. It includes {the aforementioned drug list + Multiple myeloma}. M.M. a Hypercalcemia a Crystalluria + stone formationa hydronephrosis.

Q.410. Enumerate the possible causes of “papillary necrosis”?   

urinary tract obstruction symptoms urinary tract obstruction treatment urinary tract obstruction causes urinary tract obstruction pathophysiology urinary tract obstruction male urinary tract obstruction and hydronephrosis urinary tract obstruction and stasis urinary tract obstruction and polyuria urinary tract obstruction and glomerular filtration rate urinary tract obstruction and prostate cancer

A. Causes of “papillary necrosis”:    

1)   D.M.

2)   Amyloidosis.

3)   Analgesic abuse.

4)   Allograft Rj.: surgical interference.

5)   Ac. Pyelonephritis.

6)   Sickle cell disease or trait.

Q.411. What is the most common site of obstruction in males?

A. B.P.H. 8 is the most common site of U.T. Ob. in .

Q.412. When does U/S fail to diagnose obstruction?   

urinary tract obstruction symptoms urinary tract obstruction treatment urinary tract obstruction causes urinary tract obstruction pathophysiology urinary tract obstruction male urinary tract obstruction and hydronephrosis urinary tract obstruction and stasis urinary tract obstruction and polyuria urinary tract obstruction and glomerular filtration rate urinary tract obstruction and prostate cancer      

A. U/S may fail to diagnose obstruction in two situations: 

*      Early é 1st 48 h.

*      When hydronephrosis is absent despite obstruction (false –ve).

Q.413. What is false –ve hydronephrosis?

A. False –ve hydronephrosis:

1)   Dehydration.

2)   Staghorn stone.

3)   Nephrocalcinosis.

4)   Retroperitoneal fibrosis.

5)   Cortical cysts.

Every experienced nephrologist hs sn a case of ob. uropathy é negative U/S results, therefore diagnosis of obstruction , must still be considered é any patient é worsening renal function, chronic azotemia, acute changes in renogram or urine output even é absence of hydronephrosis in U/S. 💢

Q.414. Then, what is the false +ve hydronephrosis?

A.  False +ve hydronephrosis:

1)   Large extrarenal pelvis.

2)   Parapelvic cyst.

3)   Vesicoureteric reflux.

4)   High urinary flow rate.

Q.415 How can u differentiate (dilatation + obstruction) fr. dilatation alone?

A. Color dopler study:

*      Resistance Index (R.I.) 🠞🠝0.7 = Obstruction & intrarenal V.C.

*      Resistance Index (R.I.) 🠊🠟0.7 = Dilatation only, No Ob. No V.C.

Q.416 What is the role of MRI in diagnosis of obstructive nephropathy? What are its main drawbacks?

A. MRI is a useful tool for children, women é child-bearing period, R.I. ptn. & allograft evaluation, as no ionizing radiation & because “Gadolinium” is non-nephrotoxic”. However, certain gadolinium namely🠊Gadodiamide”, in R.I. ptn. can induce a serious dis., Nephrogenic systemic fibrosis, a non-treatable , fatal condition 🠊 fibrosis of the skin, lung, etc..  💀💀

** Recently, BOLD (blood oxygenation level dependent) imaging has been introduced for safe evaluation of renal function.   

Q.417. How can obstruction affect the GFR?

A. Obstruction & inflammatory cells 🠞🠝Angio.II. & T.X.A2 a sharp reduction of the perfused glomeruli &🠟 SNGFR 🠊🠟 total GFR profoundly dur. & immed-iately after release of obstruction.

Q.418 So, when this obstructed kidney expected to be completely recovered?

A. Recovery of complete ureteric obstruction needs: 14- 60 d. من أسبوعين لشهرين

 - Two important factors affecting complete recovery: 

1.    Duration.      &

2.    Severity of obstruction, e.g. complete obstruction for 🠝 4 w. No recovery at all. 

Q.419 How can obstruction affect Na+ homeostasis?

urinary tract obstruction symptoms urinary tract obstruction treatment urinary tract obstruction causes urinary tract obstruction pathophysiology urinary tract obstruction male urinary tract obstruction and hydronephrosis urinary tract obstruction and stasis urinary tract obstruction and polyuria urinary tract obstruction and glomerular filtration rate urinary tract obstruction and prostate cancer

A. Obstruction c Reduces the net reabsorption of Salt by incr. level of Nat-ruretic substances e.g. PGE2 & by infiltration of the kidney by mononuclear cells. 🠝 ANP & 🠟aldosterone c Salt wasting.  

*      After release of bilateral obstruction c Salt & water excretion jumps 💣5-9 times normal, so, fluid compensation is mandatory to guard against dehydration-induced deterioration of renal function.

*      The inability to concentrate urine results fr. failure of TALLH to generate concentrated interstitium as well as inability of collecting ducts to synthetize & traffic [aquaporin-2] in response to ADH.

Q.420 What about other electrolytes?

A. Obstruction 🠞🠝 ANP.🠞Kaliuresis  fr. “distal” tubules.

    Obstruction  🠞🠝 Po4 & Mg. wasting.

  *** Summery: Post Ob. wasting of 🠞{Na, K, Mg & Po4 }🠞 Multi-hypo.s.

Q.421 How can the fibrosis cascade (due to odstruction) proceed?

A. Ob. 🠞🠝 Hydrostatic pressure 🠞 V.C. 🠞K tub. Epithelial cell perfusion🠞Release of cytokines [Angio.II.-TGFB -TNF] + Adhesive f. 🠞 inflmmation cell infilt-ration (including macrophage) 🠞 more Cytokine release.

** Combination of R. & inflmmation cell cytokines 🠞 accelerates Apoptosis of tubuler cells & interstitial fibrosis.

Q.422 How can this cascade affect renal function?

A. ** 

 I. N.F.k.B.: &

1)   Tub. cell 🠞Chemoattract inflmm., apoptosis & fibrosis.

2)   Fibroblasts 🠞Proliferation & differentiation 🠞fibrosis.

II. Pro-fibrotic cytokines 🠞Cytokine release 🠞 Fibrosis.

*** So, fibrosis is a summation of:  👌

(1)    Pro-fibrotic cytokines.

(2)   Tub. cell inflmm. & Apoptosis. (N.F. k.B.)

(3)   Fibroblast proliferation & differentiation. (N.F. k.B.)

Q.423. What are the proinflammatory cytokines?    

A. The proinflammatory cytokines 🠞👌


1)   TGF.B.

2)   Osteopontin.

3)   V.A.M. (Vascular cell adhesion molecule).

Q.424 Is there any role for ACEI in this surgical (urological) problem?

A. Fortunately, Yes, see next question. 👉

Q.425. What are the possible tools to prevent & stop this cascade?

A. Medical ttt. of “Obstructive uropathy” (O.U.):         

1)   ACEI 🠞🠝Kinin🠞🠝L-arginine🠞NOS 

🠞N.O. (ACEI is a vital N.O.👆generator).

2)   Dietary L-arginine🠞Attenuate renal damage.

3)   a -MSH. (a-melanocyte-stimulating hormone)= a potent anti-inflammatory.

Q.426. Mention some “surgical” ttt. options for O.U. ?

A. Surgical” options for O.U.:

1)   Ob. below U.B.🠞Catheter or “suprabubic cystostomy”.

2)   Ob. above U.B. 🠞“Ureteral stent” or “Nephrostomy tube”.

3)   Stone 🠟½ cm.🠞Passes spontaneously.  😊

4)   If 🠝½ cm.🠞EXSWEL (Extracorporeal short wave Lithotripsy) + Stent placement.

5)   Recently, Laser EXSWEL is available.       

Q.427. How to monitor recovery of obstructive uropathy?

A. Recovery is a matter of severity, dose & duration dependent. A period of 69 d., hs bn recorded. So,     

🠞Isotopic Renography, shd be performed repeatedly.   Even;

🠞R. biopsy, can be performed to ensure complete recovery.

- Many factors affect the process: 

1)   R.V.C.🠞e.g. {Renin, Angio.II. & T.X.A2 }.

2)   Growth f.🠞Enhance fibrosis.

3)   Ammonia genesis 🠞🠟 Cell growth.

   …. So, ACEI/ARBs 🠞Ameliorate this greatly (e.g. captopril).

Q.428. How to monitor post-obstruction diuresis?

A. Release of obstruction 🠞Natriuresis & diuresis é wasting of K+, Po4 & divalent cation.                 *** Mechanism: 🠞Intrinsic dge of tub. cells 🠞Salt & solvent & ureteric reabsorption + vol. expansion 🠞🠝 ANP 🠞Natriuresis🠞Multi-hypo.s (Na+, K+, Mg+, Cl -, Hco3-).

v It is a self-limited condition, but may persist for months.  So,

v Start é ½ N.S. (0.45%) saline, at a rate slightly slower than “urine output”.

v A 4 time/24 h. monitoring of electrolytes, may be warranted.