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Q.396. How to start work up for Epo resistance?


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Q.396. How to start work up for Epo resistance?

A. Work up for Epo resistance:

1)   Iron deficiency: the most common cause of resistance, either due:

       i.    Increased losses.   or

      ii.    Incr. consumption. So, confirm adequate stores by (TSAT & s. ferritin).    * Revise source of losses: [Dzer- G.I.- phlebotomy-Dx. session.].

2)   2ry hyperpara: A correlation exists between Epo. requirement  &   


                               i.    iPTH level.

                              ii.    Degree of B.M. fibrosis.

                             iii.    Osteoclastic & eroded surface é bone biopsy.

- PTH.🠞Direct inhibitory effect é RBCs proliferation.

- Vit. D.🠞Improves Erythropoiesis, in a way apart fr. its effect on PTH level.

- Vit. D.🠞Growth f.🠞enhances resp. to Epo, apart fr. its effect on PTH level.

3)   Aluminum toxicity: Rare, since application of (AAMI) (Standerd Association é Advance in Medical Instructions). 

 *** Mechanism of Aluminum ToxicityCompetition between (Alum.) & (Iron) for binding to “transferrin”, before substrate delivery to erythropoietic element & interfere é enzyme insertion of iron into heme moiety at closure of the tetra pyrole ring  or with heme synthesis itself.

4)   H.B.pathies & Hemolytic anemias: Sickle cell🠞🠝Dose req. of Epo &🠝F.H.B.

-“Chloramine” of city water🠞🠝Epo req., So, use carbon to dcr. chloramine & to dcr. A.B.(anti-N. form) production, after subclinical exposure to formaldhyde.

-“Lipid peroxidation🠞Hemolysis🠞🠝Epo requirement.

5)   Folate & B12 deficiency🠞essential co-factor or supplements.

6)   Multiple myeloma: (B cell dyscrasia, No C.I. to EPO thpy).

7)   Inflammation: Interaction between “Cytokines& B.M. elements 🠞dcrease Epo response .                     

**The proinflammatory cytokines é B.M. level, esp. [TNFa, I.L.1,6, INF. g ] 🠞

1.    Growth of “erythroid progenitor” cells.

2.  🠋“Local response” to Epo.

3.    Increased TNF production🠞Increase resistance to Epo.

8)    Carnitine deficiency: see Q. 397.

9)    ACE: see Q. 398.

10)        Effect of delivered DX. dose & membrane: Resp. to Epo increased é :

1.    🠝 DX. dose.

2.    Bicarbonate DX.

3.    Membrane é sp. anti-oxidant. Vit. E modified membrane 🠞🠝 small & middle molecule clearance 🠞🠝 Resp. to Epo.

11)         Anti-Epo A.B. 🠞  see Q. 403.

12)        Individual “B.M.” sensitivity to rHuEpo: Ptn. who need 🠝500 i.u./kg/w., or fail to maintain Hct ≥ 30, probably hv underlying inflmm./ infc..

13)       (X) Peginesatide: [a synthetic peptide tht activates EPO receptor & stimulates RBCs production], but because its amino acid sequence is unreal-ted to Epo., does not cross react é EPo A.B. On the basis of two completed rando-mized trials, FDA has approved peginesatide for i.v./s.c. routes for ttt. anemia in adult DX. Ptn.s  but not in CKD ptns who are not on DX or in ptn é cancer-related anemia. Role of Peginesatide in DX. is not known as yet, but it may be effective in treating ptn. who are hyporespons-ive to available erythropoietic ag.s bec. of circulating anti-EPO A.B.. 

N.B. Affymax, Inc. along é FDA : Voluntary recall of all lots of OMONTYS® (peginesatide) inj. to the user level due to postmarketing rep. incl.: serious hypersensitivity reactions, include anaphylaxis, wch cn be life-threatening/fatal. Fatal reactions hv bn rep. in 0.02 % of ptns. following i.v. 1st dose, occ. 30 min. after administration. No rep. of such reactions foll. subsequent dosing, or in ptns. completed their DX session. Since launch, > 25,000 ptns. hv received Omontys in post-marketing setting.  The rate of overall hypersensitivity reactions is neerly 0.2 %, one third of these being serious incl. anaphylaxis requiring prompt medical intervention & hospitalization. Omontys (peginesatide) Inj. is indicated for ttt. of anemia due to CKD in adult DX. ptns & packaged in 10 & 20 mg Multi-dose Vials.  RECOMMENDATION: DX organizations are instructed to discontinue use.

Q.397. What is the role of L-Carnitine deficiency in erythropoiesis?

A. L-carnitine is an “essential co-factor” for “transmitochondrial transport” of F.A. for oxidation. It’s depleted by H.DX., So, it is essential for:

1)   Maintenance of RBCs “membrane integrity”.

2)   Improving RBCs “deformability”.

3)   Increasing RBCs “survival time”.

4)   Improving RBCs “osmotic fragility”.              +

5)   Improving “dyslipidemia”.

- In U.S., Only Two valid indications for “L-carnitine”:

1.    Epo resistance, in absence of other evidences.                  

2.    Refractory intradialytic hypotension.

Q.398. What is the relation of ACEI to anemia ?

A. A relation between ACEI & 🠋H.B. co-exists, as:

1)   ACEI 🠞🠋testosterone in  ♂.

2)   ACEI (ACE🠞degrade ACSDKP) 🠞🠝ACSDKP🠞🠋Erythropoiesis (ACSDKP = N-Acetyl seryl D-aspartyl K-lysyl Proline) = a physiological inhibitor of erythropoiesis). أسد كلب

Q.399.What is the therapeutic goals of Epo?

A. K/DOKI 2006:  

v  * Minimum target H.B. 🠞11 g/dl.    * Maximum🠞13 g/dl.

v  * Canadian: [10.5-11.5] g/dl. *🠝12 g/dl. 🠞Risky in Canadian protocols.

v  N.B. : Only cardiac ptn (CHF & IHD)🠞High mortality é high Hct %.


Q.400. What are the specific benefits u can get from Epo therapy ?

A. Specific benefits of Epo:

1)   Brain & cognitive functions: Improves electro-physiological, visual concept, vasomotor, auditory verbal, symbol digital modality, O2 uptake & brain metab.

2)   CVS:🠋 L.V.H., 🠋 L.V.D. & 🠋 cardiac mortality. Epo thpy a L.V. regression. 👍

3)    Quality of life: greatly improved.       😃😀

4)   Mortality/Morbidity: greatly decreased.

5)   Kidney func.: Correction of anemia é Epo ] Retard progression of R. dis., esp. é non-Dc.s…”Nephron” 1997.* RENAAL study: [Reduction of End-point Non-insulin dependent D.M., é Angio-tensin II Antagonist, Losartan]: Low Hct Poor outcome &prevention of or amelioration of anemia Lesser risk of progression to ESRD.** Kid. 2004: Early ttt. of anemia for CKD, SLOWS decline in R. function.

6)   Complete correction of anemia é Epo therapy: Incr. the whole blood anti-oxidant capacity, indicating a positive effect on free radical metabolism.

Q.401. What is the effect of Epo therapy on blood rheology?

A. Epo c higher H.B. cÇVascular access thrombosis of autologous & synthetic (graft) A/V access.

Q.402. What is the dose, route & target H.B. of darbepoietina (Aranesp) therapy?

   A. “Darbepoietina  therapy(Depo):👍&   مَاهِيَ الوصَايَا العَشْر :       

1)   Target HB = 10-12 g./dl in pre-& D.X. Ptn.. Don’t exceed  12 g./dl. 👆

NKF: Sep. 2007 🠞Target H.B. : 11-12 g./dl., Don’t exceed   13  g./dl.👆

2)    Initial I.V./ S.Q. dose: D.X.🠞  & Non-D.X. 🠞 0.45 ug/kg/w  &  0.75   ug/kg/w resp.                             

3)   Max. rise: one g/2w.( 👉(جرامين في الشهر, for any ptn.

4)   I.V. Route for H.DX. ptn. is preferred.   

5)   Maintenance: titrate until target (11-12) g/dl.

6)   If H.B. approaches 12 g. (or > one g. in 2 w.)🠞 Dcreased by 25 %.

7)   If H.B. continue rising 🠞Hold Depo. until beginning to decr. , then resume é 25 % of the previous dose.

8)    If H.B. doesn’t increased by one g./4 w. é adequate iron stores 🠞 increased by 25 % .

9)   Do NOT incr. dose more frequently than 4 w. interval.

10) Maintenance Dose:

v  Pre-DX.🠞S.Q.: ONCE monthly 🠞10-12 g/dl.

v  DX. Ptn.🠞Titrate to target 🠞10-12 g/dl.

Q. 403. What is PRCA (pure red cell aplasia)? How to manage?

Majority of cases occur é epoetin alfa. (Eprex). Underlying cause🠞organic compounds (polysorbate fr. uncoated rubber stoppers in prefilled syringes)🠞 anti-EPO A.B. All cases  (200 rep.) have occur é S.C.Epo. PRCA still extremely rare. After changes in storage & handling recomm. & discontinuation of s.c. Eprex, incid. of PRCA hs declined. Screening anti-EPO A.B. is not recomm. in DX. PRCA shd be considered in é signif. anemia é EPO for at least 3-4 w. & previously resp. to EPO.:🠞 sudden decline in H.B. despite EPO, severe decrease in Retics & normal WBC & platelet counts.

To diagnose PRCA, B.M. aspirate & pres. of neutralizing anti-EPO A.B. shd be performed. B.M. reveals: severe erythroid hypoplasia, é < 5 % RBCs precursors & evid. of maturation block of erythroid precursors. Platelet & WBCs precursors are entirely normal. Anti-EPO A.B. are detected by RIPA, ELISA. Sample must be sent to manufacturer for testing anti-Epo A.B. & their neutralizing ability. Stop all erythropoietic stimulating ag. & do NOT switch. to another EPO or Dpo. Ptn. shd be transfused é Sm.tc anemia. As spont. remission is rare, start im/m. ttt: initially: Pred.(1.0 mg/ kg/d.) + oral Cph. (50-100 mg/d.), max. 3-4 m. An alternative: 200 mg/d. Csp alone: (or 100 mg twice d.), max. 3-4 m.. If no resp. consider R.Tx. Optimal dur. of ttt. & monitoring is unknown, but:

v  Continue ttt. until A.B. levels become undetectable or no resp.(3-4 m.) .

v  Monitor H.B. weekly to assess for transfusion need & response to therapy.

v  Monitor absolute Retcs & A.B. levels every 1-2 w. dur. ttt. .

v  Rechallenge cn be considered if A.B. levels are below or at lower limit. If performed, start i.v. EPO. é (H.B., Retics & A.B. levels) monitoring.