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Are all the medications safe for a kidney patient?

Are all the medications safe for a kidney patient?

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:The medications that prescribed by your physician can be divided into three main divisions

      i.        Safe drugs: this group of medications are completely safe that means they can be used with the same dose given to a normal person without any change.

    ii.        Unsafe drugs: this type of medications is completely contraindicated for a kidney patient that means their use will result in complete destruction of by these agents to the kidney tissues. The best example of these are the group analgesic medications certain antibiotics. The harm of this group could be either:

1)    Direct toxicity to the kidney tissues or,

2)    Indirect toxicity through retention of the drug due to failure of its removal from blood by the kidney purification system.

   iii.        Intermediate group: that can be used partially through dose reduction. The latter maneuver depends on how much the kidney is failing i.e., Spacing and reduction of dose timing and magnitude will depend on the degree of renal failure severity, the much more sever the kidney failure the more space between drug dosage consumption will be and the smaller the amount of a given drug.

-       However, this piece of information will result in several recommendations:

1)    You need to evaluate your kidney function serially through laboratory checkup of your renal profile to determine which stage you are in and recognize the best maneuver you should follow.

2)    Avoid intake of unnecessary medications.

3)    Avoid intake of any medication without your physician consultation.

4)    Revise your nephrologist after any visit to other specialty.

5)    Consult your nephrologist before any medical/surgical intervention or surgical or radiological technique.

6)    Avoid radiological examination with dye contrast.

7)    If mandatory, certain precautions should be followed before and after these maneuvers with enough time.

8)    Repeat your renal profile on a daily basis immediately after these intervention to make sure that no harm or progress in your kidney function has been developed and to take the proper action in the meantime.

9)    Finally, adherence to your physician, compliance with you medications and serial evaluation of your kidney function are the only guarantee to keep yourself away from dialysis as much as possible.


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I am a nephrology consultant with M.D. degree in nephrology and renal transplantation. I am interested in clarification the vital points in nephrology practice in regard to kidney patient care, follow up and prevention of renal failure as well as improving quality of life. There are may options for kidney patients i.e. conservative treatment, kidney dialysis and kidney transplant. Helping the patients to choose the best therapeutic option and  clarification of the best therapeutic guidelines are my main targets in this blogger. Many questions about complications of kidney failure, medication use, types of nutrition and patient survival are currently running in patient’s mind. The magnitude of psychological stress that exerted on kidney patients once he knew that his kidney in danger lead me to proceed in declaring the nature of kidney disease and the best maneuvers to manage its complications. Many unnoticed ordinary habits like analgesic abuse can cause serious depression of kidney function. As there are several options to manage kidney failure, we need to determine the best therapeutic option to control the rate of kidney function deterioration. I am ready to answer any question related to my specialty. The responsibility of preservation of kidney- one of the most vital organs- is not confined to the medical staff. Nevertheless, patients education is a fundamental step in renal disease management. Patient adherence to his clinician is mandatory in this regard. Strict compliance to his medications, laboratory profiles testing and physician orders is  the cornerstone in stabilization of kidney function. Efforts still going to introduce a novel solution for a failing kidney. Kidney transplant using a new regimens of immunosuppression and stem-cell transplantation are the best examples. I will be happy expand your data base in regard to early detection of your kidney dysfunction and offer the best available instructions to keep  your kidney safe and healthy.


What are the most dangerous risk factors that can harm my kidney?


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The kidney is one of the most vital organs in the human body. We discussed its main vital functions before. However, to keep this organ in its best state and to prevent its malfunction, we have to be aware to the most dangerous risk factors that can interfere with the normal physiology of the kidney. Some of these factors are very simple and easy to correct. However, other diseases that are called co-morbid disease need to be clarified and to recognize the mode by which they can harm the kidney. Unfortunately, gathering of more than one risk factor will augment the burden on this organ, so that the progress of renal failure will be rapidly developed. Consequently, a full detailed history from the patient should be performed to declare any unnoticed harmful agent (s).

Now, let us revise the most important risk factors that make your kidney in danger and more liable for kidney failure:

1)    Dehydration: the human body cannot do without enough water to enable the all the vital organ functioning properly. Rate of water loss is also very essential in kidney failure development. Workers in the hot sunny weather with prolonged exposure to sun rays may result in excessive sweating and loss of body fluids. Perfusion of the kidney at that time will be shut down and urine output will be decreased that is called oliguria up to complete loss of urine output that is called anuria. Treatment at that time is very simple i.e., to replace the lost fluids and rehydration of the kidney tissues. However, if there is delay in kidney tissue repletion, an irreversible damage to the kidney will ensue. Timely diagnosis and prompt interference are crucial in the management of this simple risk factor.

2)      Analgesic abuse: One of the common risk factors for kidney dysfunction is the common use of analgesic drugs for any type of pain. This behavior can be seen frequently in developed countries. Actually, very few types of analgesics can be considered safe e.g., paracetamol, otherwise could be harmful. The harmful effect of analgesics currently take time, up to years, however, certain agents can induce acute renal failure. The latter can be treated conservatively but if prolonged, dialysis may be the sole therapy. In the developing countries, it is commonly for the public to call the pharmacy for any medicine without doctor prescription or consultation. This cultural behavior can be seen also in low social standard communities. So, a thorough history, particularly in regard to his medication list is mandatory. Also, public education in regard to the danger of medications abuse and over consumption with collaboration of the medical authorities is warranted.  It is noteworthy to mention that every nephrologist has been supplied by extended lists of the medications of particular interest in regard to mild, moderate and sever impact on kidney function.

3)    Diabetes mellitus (DM): This is the most common of kidney failure in Europe, USA and other developed countries as mentioned before. Five years- at least- should be elapsed before development of DM-associated renal disease that is called “diabetic nephropathy”. Not all patients with diabetes can develop kidney dysfunction. Many factors can facilitate the development of this disease, e.g., 1. Poor control of blood sugar level. 2. Prolonged period with diabetes mellitus. 3. Associated co-morbid diseases like hypertension and gout. 4. Use of nephrotoxic drugs like the angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEI) and angiotensin- receptors antagonists drugs (ARB).

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