Many complications associated with pregnancy may induce AKI (acute kidney injury or acute renal failure).
Many complications associated with
pregnancy may induce AKI (acute kidney injury or acute renal failure). In the
early period of pregnancy, pre-renal disease (fluid loss and dehydration) or
acute tubular necrosis may follow hyperemesis gravidarum (persistent vomiting) or
septic abortion. In the late pregnancy period, acute renal failure may induced
by preeclampsia, thrombotic microangiopathies, acute fatty liver of pregnancy,
renal cortical necrosis, pyelonephritis, urinary tract occlusion or kidney
stone disease.
The finding of low platelet count (thrombocytopenia)
and anemia (low hemoglobin) with acute kidney injury may be induced by either thrombotic
thrombocytopenic purpura-hemolytic uremic syndrome (TTP-HUS) or severe
preeclampsia with the HELLP syndrome. A full detailed history with a complete battery
of investigation will help differentiation these disorders. Therapy of
preeclampsia associated with HELLP syndrome can be induced by delivery
Severely presented preeclampsia is much more prevalent
than TTP-HUS and is usually clinically preceded by features of hypertension and
proteinuria and may be edema of lower limbs that could be intense. Kidney
failure is uncommon even in severe cases, unless there’s intense bleeding with
hemodynamic deterioration or intense disseminated intravascular coagulation
(DIC). However, a mild degree of azotemia (elevated renal profile) may occur,
due in part to permeability decline in the glomerular capillary wall.
With severe preeclampsia urgent delivery is
mandatory. The renal and extrarenal alterations typically start to resolve
spontaneously within 2-3 days after delivery and virtually almost complete
recovery of kidney function ensues within two months after delivery, although
microalbuminuria (microalbumin in urine) may still observed.
Management of TTP-HUS is similar to that in the non-pregnant women. Induction of deliver
is crucial for TWO reasons, first to abort fetal sequelae of placental
microthrombi, second, difficulty in distinction from preeclampsia. Acute fatty
liver is a rarely observed complication of pregnancy with multiple clinical and
laboratory associations commonly seen with preeclampsia and may induce acute renal
failure, hypoglycemia, hypofibrinogenemia, liver enzymes alterations, and an
increased PTT. Treatment approach may include management of DIC with labor
should be induced immediately.
Bilateral cortical necrosis may complicate severe hypotension (low blood pressure) and/or disseminated intravascular coagulopathy that seen
with abruptio placentae, symptomatic placenta previa, neglected intrauterine
fetal death, or amniotic fluid embolus. Clinical features may include: oliguria
(little urine) or anuria (no urine), gross hematuria (blood in urine seen by
naked eyes), loin pain, and low blood pressure. Diagnosis can be established by
either ultrasound or by CT scanning. There is no dedicated therapy for this
disorder, many cases will be dialyzed despite some cases may show incomplete
kidney function recovery.
Acute pyelonephritis (kidney infection) may cause acute renal failure among pregnant females
even with absence of septicemic state or hypotension. Partial kidney recovery
after culture and sensitivity and proper antibiotic therapy may be seen due to
irreversible kidney damage.
Although mild dilatation of the
collecting systems attributable to the hormonal and anatomical alterations in
pregnancy is usually not associated with renal dysfunction among pregnant
patients, occasionally obstruction is sufficient to cause renal failure. Diagnosis can be accomplished by an observed normalization
of kidney function in the lateral recumbent posture and the recurrent
dysfunction with supine position. Insertion of a ureteral catheter or fetal
delivery may be mandatory. Obstruction of the urinary tract can be induced by kidney
stones with acute loin pain and frank hematuria rather than kidney failure.
This disorder can be established easily by kidney ultrasound studies.
N.B. This Blogger is created to declare the potential dangers, the kidney of a pregnant lady might be exposed.